When you include Scott Mission in your estate plan, you will be delivering positive and lasting change for those who experience hunger and homelessness across the city of Toronto. With a gift in your Will to Scott Mission, you can create a lasting legacy of love for generations to come.


Pilot launch in summer 2024 of New Life Recovery Program for up to 10 men who are ready for a year-long, structured journey to recovery, stability, and growth.
New upgraded play area for childcare centre, plus a new classroom in November 2024 so we can accommodate 16 more children at our O’Connor Family Centre.
Expansion of food and clothing banks in December 2024 — potentially allowing the Mission to serve 300 more families per week at our O’Connor Family Centre.
Renovations to provide additional space for community outreach and ministry events in December 2024 — to increase our capacity for up to 130 more community members, across various programs.

In 2023, the Mission launched a new 25,000 square-foot centralized HUB of operations to deliver even more meals, groceries, clothing, and additional vital resources. All is distributed from a centralized kitchen and warehouse to our spoke locations and community partners across the Greater Toronto Area.

Thanks to generous donors, we can now operate more efficiently in our delivery of more than 25,800 meals and 3,400 orders of groceries per month—impacting hundreds of people we serve daily at our food banks and in our community.


● A centralized purchasing model and a new warehouse management system allows us to gain operational efficiencies with several locations and our fleet of trucks—enabling us to receive more, serve more people, and give more generously.

â—Ź Capacity to produce 52% more hot meals, with the same number of staff, is an efficiency gained through the Hub and spoke model.

â—Ź The number of donated skids (GIK) received and processed doubled from 3,780 in 2021, to 7,590 in 2023, allowing us to meet the increased demand of 40% food/clothing bank client growth from 2019 to 2023. Also, the value of GIK we received doubled from $8.3M in 2021 to $16.3M in 2023

● Food and clothing distribution was increased from one to two days per week at our O’Connor Family Centre location – allowing us to serve approximately 100 more families per week.

● 7,419 bags of groceries were delivered to community partners—impacting underserved communities across the city of Toronto.

in 2023, Scott Mission continued with
a focus on solutions to the problems
faced by our neighbours who are
without the basics needed to survive.

The Problem: Lack of Affordable Housing

â—Ź 85,097 Torontonians waitlisted for affordable and supportive housing. (Source: City of Toronto)
â—Ź 99% occupancy rate of Toronto’s emergency shelters. (Source: Green Line)
â—Ź An estimated 25% to 50% of homeless people live with a mental health condition. (Source: CAMH)
â—Ź As of October 2023 the City of Toronto is sheltering 10,700 people with approximately 9,000 people in the shelter system and 1700 people outside the shelter system in bridging hotels and programs supported by the Canadian Red Cross. (City of Toronto, Toronto.ca)

Our Solution: Safe Overnight Shelter for Men

The Problem: Rising Food Insecurity Across the GTA

● 2.53M food bank visits in Toronto — a 51% increase compared to last year, the highest year-over-year increase on record.*
â—Ź One in 10 people relying on food banks, up from one in 20 last year.*
â—Ź Out of the 900+ people who access Scott Mission Food Banks each month 36% of them are children and seniors.
â—Ź On an average per day, after rent and utilities food bank clients have $6.67.*
â—Ź Food inflation in Canada reached 6.7% in 2023.
● One in six Toronto seniors lives in poverty — experiencing food insecurity that ranges from skipping meals to not being able to afford groceries at all. Often, seniors are forced to choose between groceries or paying a bill.
â—Ź In 2023, we saw a 17% demand increase for hot meals compared to 2022, and we saw an 18% increase in demand for grocery help in the past two years.

*Daily Bread Food Bank’s 2023 Who’s Hungry Report.

Our Solution: Meals Plus Food and Clothing Banks

● Scott Mission provides relief for families who struggle to make ends meet — at multiple GTA locations and through church partners.
â—Ź In 2023, we saw a 17% demand increase for hot meals compared to 2022, and an 18% demand increase for grocery help compared to 2021.


The Problem: Lack of Accessible Health Care
Unfortunately, not every individual can access the care they need, or they have had negative experiences doing so, preventing them from seeking care when they need it.

Our Solution: Scott Mission’s New On-Site Medical Clinic
Launched in December 2023, Scott Mission in partnership with Inner City Health Associates, provides on-site medical attention for our shelter guests and members of our community. In our opening month of operation, there were 46 appointments for 18 clients.

The Problem: Mental Illness Among Those Experiencing Homelessness

â—Ź Poverty and mental illness are among the leading contributors to homelessness, addictions, and broken lives across our city.
â—Ź 25% to 50% of the homeless population suffer from mental illness(es) according to the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
â—Ź Wait times for free or cost-accessible counselling are long, and fee-based counselling is expensive ($100+ per session), putting it out of reach for the most vulnerable.

Our Solution: A Permanent Counselling Program
Scott Mission offers a counselling program that integrates case management with evidence-based clinical counselling, interpersonal relationships, and pastoral care.
IN 2023:

The Problem: Lack of Community and Friendship
â—Ź Torontonians are among the loneliest Canadians.
â—Ź 37% feel lonely at least three days a week.
â—Ź Over 50% of adults feel depressed at least one day a week. (Source: Toronto Foundation)

Our Solution: Spiritual Care and Opportunities to be in Community
â—Ź 280 clients deepened social connections in 2023 within groups of our neighbours that are typically disconnected and could be suffering because of a lack of community.
â—Ź Prayer and Bible studies in English, Spanish, and Mandarin are offered to encourage our neighbours with the love of God.
â—Ź Celebration and ministry events throughout the year at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
â—Ź Community BBQs, which provide opportunities to bring our neighbours together to foster a sense of belonging.

Scott Mission’s children and youth programs, see countless young lives transformed by God’s love. Each program promotes learning, leadership, spiritual growth, and fun—in a nurturing environment. Young lives are being equipped with the tools they need to thrive.


The Problem: Lack of Structured Programs for Kids
For the children and families we serve in the GTA, the life experiences of camp and special programs are out of reach.

Our Solution: Scott Mission Camps and Leadership Programs
LOVE IS THE WAY to Scott Mission Camp and leadership programs where fun for kids through learning, leadership, and spiritual growth is promoted.

â—Ź 335 children and youth experienced a week of fun and learning about God’s love at Scott Mission Camp in Caledon. Kids enjoy eight weeks of overnight camp (July & August) in a natural setting with cabins, swimming, canoeing and encouragement from camp counsellors — at no cost to the family. We are looking ahead to summer 2024 when 67% more kids will visit Scott Mission Camp.
â—Ź 15 youth participated in the Foundations Program where they were trained, mentored, and given opportunities for personal growth.
â—Ź 6 families attended the annual Family Camp, in 2023 where moms and children experienced an amazing week together at Scott Mission Camp. This special program has been running for decades.
â—Ź 83 children, ages 7-15, attended day camps for eight weeks in July and August (36 hours per week) in the Lawrence Heights and Parma Court neighbourhoods, to have fun and learn valuable life skills.
â—Ź 4 annual retreats for kids grade five and up at our Scott Mission Camp in Caledon.

The Problem: The High Cost of Daycare in the GTA
Out of reach daycare cost is a struggle for working parents who are trying to make ends meet while providing safe and nurturing daycare for their children.

Our Solution: Scott Mission’s Childcare Centre
A focused, holistic, and family-centred approach to childcare with early education practices to create a warm, caring, and interactive atmosphere.

â—Ź Our licensed Daycare Centre provides a positive Christian early education experience, and adheres to the requirements of Ontario’s Day Nurseries Act.
â—Ź 41 babies and preschoolers attend each week and their parents can go to work knowing their children are cared for in a warm and loving environment.
â—Ź All of our daycare families receive a government subsidy as we are a part of the Canada Wide Early Learning Childcare (CWELCC) plan.


The Problem: Worsening Mental Health of Children & Youth
Children in our community, from lower socio-economic backgrounds, need better opportunities to receive educational and social support. The years after the pandemic have been difficult for children and our communities are experiencing the greatest reported mental health crisis for kids.

Our Solution: Scott Mission’s After-School Programs
During and after school programs provide educational, social and spiritual activities to help students raise test scores, improve behaviour, develop strong life skills, and gain healthy self-esteem—all to help kids avoid unhealthy life choices.

â—Ź 91 children and youth received educational support from September to June (15 hours per week), through Scott Mission’s during and after school programs, in two high-priority Toronto neighbourhoods.
â—Ź Academic support for students during class time.
â—Ź Special lunch programs that offer recreation, life-skills, and character development.
â—Ź After-school programs that focus on literacy and life-skills support.

Thank you for standing with Scott Mission. Together we are delivering life-transforming services, coupled with the love of Jesus, to help our neighbours build a better future.

Caring Canadian donors supported Scott Mission generously to help those who struggle, across the GTA with the ongoing high cost of food, unaffordable housing, medical needs, mental health challenges, unemployment, and more.

Our volunteers make our work possible, and they serve with such joy and love for our neighbours who need a helping hand everyday.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me.”

View the Annual Report
2023 Annual Report


The Mission often faces language barriers with our neighbours who frequent the Mission from other countries. We are currently using technology to assist with translation.

Many of our guests struggle with trauma, mental health issues, addictions, and intergenerational oppression. Scott Mission has always offered programs that help meet the basic needs of our neighbours with food, clothing, and emergency shelter. However, some guests would benefit from additional holistic, intentional, and long-term programs to help participants in the following ways:

1. Identify roadblocks to transformation
2. Address root causes
3. Receive the tools and resources to support ongoing stability and growth

To address this challenge, the Mission is piloting a two-year recovery program, which requires funding support.

Rising costs and inflation have triply affected Scott Mission. First, our guests’ dollars are stretched, so we are seeing a rise in demand for all our services. Second, many of our donors are feeling the effects of rising prices and giving less. Finally, Scott Mission is having to spend more money on purchases due to rising costs. We are also finding the need for more protein items in our Food Banks and would like to find a partner who would be willing to donate additional sources of protein.

A few of our buildings are aging and require repairs and updating so we can better serve our neighbours.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to find the most efficient ways to serve our neighbours who need a helping hand across the GTA.

God’s love in action. The compassionate neighbour for 80 years and counting.

MAIN: 416-923-8872
DONATION LINE: 416-923-2400
Food Bank: 416-926-3916
Fax: 416-923-1067
EMAIL: info@scottmission.com