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About Scott Mission

The Scott Mission is a Christian ministry of mercy and love. We aim to meet the needs of people with love and compassion and seek to bring spiritual, physical, and emotional wholeness to their lives.

The Mission is privately funded and employs over 160 dedicated staff at 502 Spadina, our Welcome Centre and Men's Shelter at 346 Spadina, our Family Centre in East York, the Collingwood Retreat Centre and our Summer Camp in Caledon. Our various ministries offer support and provisions for the homeless, low-income families, and children and youth.


When Morris and Annie Zeidman started The Scott Mission in 1941, they told themselves they would serve the needs of the most vulnerable in the community as long as God provided the means.

Now, after many decades, it is evident that God has blessed the Mission in every way. The destitute continue to find food, shelter and clothing. The abandoned find the courage to forgive. The downcast find the strength to restore broken relationships and achieve their dreams. The lonely find the perfect friend in Jesus.


The goal of the Mission is to serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Master in faith and through effective stewardship, putting the spirit of Christ into concrete, positive action through well-rounded, spiritual and social services to men, women and children where there is a defined need and as means are provided.

Community Impact

Thanks to people like you, help and hope were provided to neighbours who were struggling due to challenges wrought by the lingering pandemic. Support from donors delivered over 126,137 meals, 34,889 orders of groceries, 14,600 nights of safe shelter, a wide array of vital new programs, and other outreach to share the greatest gift of all—the mercy and love of Christ.

But needs remain high in Toronto. So, to position Scott Mission to better help neighbours in the days ahead, we have expanded shelter services to 24/7, added clinical counselling and case management to promote health and healing, and are making significant changes to our main facility on Spadina Avenue.

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