Your partnership changed Joseph’s life

Joseph had always worked hard, and he enjoyed a good life. Homelessness was the farthest thing from his mind! But then it all began to crumble as personal problems mounted . . .

Before long, Joseph’s stress was so high that he could no longer sleep at night.

Then came the terrible day when he was in an important meeting at work . . . and dozed off! Just like that he was fired, and soon after he and his wife separated.

Joseph was a desperate man—homeless and hungry—the day he came through The Scott Mission doors. But thanks to support from friends like you, we were able to help him with food, shelter, clothes, and encouragement.

“I wouldn’t have survived without The Scott Mission,” Joseph says. “What I needed most was a safe home. I got help physically, but also spiritually and mentally through the kindness of people here.”

Today, Joseph is back on his feet and has his own apartment. He is deeply thankful for the many kindnesses he received, all made possible by the prayers and partnership of caring and generous friends who want to help their neighbours during a difficult time.

“The Scott Mission is very important. They bless the hearts of everyone here,” Joseph says. “When you see everyone gathering and everyone cheerful, it lights up your heart. It has opened my heart more to God.”

Each day, people like Joseph turn to The Scott Mission for the life-changing help they need. Thank you for partnering to provide food and other critical help to rebuild broken lives!