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How to Help NOW?

By December 17, 2020May 30th, 2024No Comments

People want to know how they can really help neighbours who are struggling with hunger, homelessness, unemployment, and more in the wake of the pandemic. Here’s how—

The best way to directly and immediately impact the lives of families and individuals in great need this winter is by making a gift to The Scott Mission.

Since the pandemic upended all of our lives—closed schools and businesses, plunging so many people into unemployment—life has become increasingly difficult for even more of our neighbours.

Here are the shocking facts released in the latest edition of the Who’s Hungry—2020 Profile of Hunger in Toronto—

Of those surveyed, 69% borrowed money to buy food, others sold belongings or used a credit card they can’t pay off.

And a shocking 56% skipped meals to pay rent!

This is why visits to Toronto food banks are up more than 50%!

But your impact through The Scott Mission is HUGE! In 2020, your compassion and generosity helped to provide essential services, including—

  • 77,014 hot, nutritious sit down and to-go meals for hungry neighbours
  • 16,886 nights of safe shelter
  • 22,000+ bags of groceries for isolated seniors and hungry families and individuals
  • The spark of transformation in the lives of hundreds through ministry programs
  • 191 children and youth received guidance in a nurturing environment through our youth programming, in-person and virtually
  • Life-changing counseling for hundreds of hurting hearts
  • 2,600+ families were provided with Christmas help, including food and gifts for ages 13 and under

With so many people turning to The Scott Mission for help with meals, groceries, and other emergency services—your help is critical to meet the ongoing need . . .

Please make a gift now to reach people in our community who are suffering and afraid get the meals, help, and hope they need this winter!

*From the Who’s Hungry—2020 Profile of Hunger in Toronto