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Paulette is thankful for YOU . . .

By February 27th, 2024No Comments

Paulette’s family was plunged into financial distress after the death of her husband. She turned to The Scott Mission and found help and hope through a most difficult time in life . . . 

She says, “After my husband passed away, the Mission was a great help. They gave us groceries, fruit, and vegetables. At Christmas, they gave me groceries and a voucher, which so blessed me and my son.” 

But she’s just as grateful for the spiritual support and kindnesses she receives from staff and volunteers each time she visits the Mission. “There’s always someone here to encourage you. I always leave with a smile, and my heart feels lifted up.

Paulette is deeply thankful to caring friends and donors like YOU whose support has been such a help to her and her family.

She says, “I am so thankful to the Mission’s donors. The food and vegetables we receive are a great help. And I’m giving thanks to God for The Scott Mission because they are a valuable asset. The staff are so loving and kind.

“May God continue to bless The Scott Mission as they bless people who are in need.”

Please make a gift now to reach struggling families in the Toronto area, like Paulette’s. Your support will provide meals and groceries, clothing, and other basic necessities, plus tools and spiritual guidance to live independently and with confidence.