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“Thank you for helping my family at Christmas . . .”

By September 29, 2020May 30th, 2024No Comments

Franciane’s children knew that times were hard for their family and tried to convince their mother not to worry. Having food on the table and spending time together was enough of a holiday celebration, they said.

But in truth, Franciane didn’t really know how she was going to put food on the table, much less, anything close to a holiday celebration.

So, she turned to The Scott Mission because she’d heard we have a food bank to help our neighbours in need. After being welcomed like family, and prayed for, Mission staff showed Franciane around to the food pantry where she could get fresh produce, and even a turkey!

They showed her the clothing room where she could get coats, hats, and gloves, even for her youngest child. Then, they toured the Christmas Toy Room, which is stocked by the Mission’s caring donors with new toys, books, games, stuffed animals, and more so that parents can pick out an item or two, giving their children a special present to open on Christmas morning.

Franciane was deeply moved to learn her neighbours care about their struggles and want to be sure her family has joy in their hearts this Christmas. “Thank you for the food, the clothes, and the gifts for my children. I will pray for everyone who donates.”

Please give generously now to make this Christmas a joyful time for families who are struggling this year—families like Franciane’s. Thank you for partnering with The Scott Mission to provide groceries, prayer, warm clothes, and a gift or two for children to open on Christmas morning!

*Photo changed for privacy