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Patrick’s new beginning

By September 29, 2020May 30th, 2024No Comments

Patrick* was upbeat when he first came through the Mission doors. He was working every chance he could get while studying to secure the certifications that would allow him to work as a professional welder.

Yet, while his future looked bright, Patrick suddenly found himself hungry, homeless, and very, very cold. That’s when a friend suggested a visit to The Scott Mission, assuring him that the people here really do care and can help in many significant ways.

His friend was right. Patrick says, “This place is incredible. The Mission helped me out with food—really good food. They gave me a coat and warm clothing . . . and they helped me build myself up.

“Thank you, donors, and God bless you. Before, I was homeless and would wake up on a bench or in a cardboard box.”

In addition to a good hot meal, warm clothes, and safe shelter, Patrick learned that Mission staff also provide counselling and support to help people regain their independence.

This will be a very different Christmas for Peter. He’s working hard to stay independent now, but we still see him at The Scott Mission when he has met someone in need—a woman who’s hungry or a man who’s homeless. He tells them they can get a meal and the life-changing help, which made all the difference for him.

“I’m helping others because you helped me,” Peter says. “I’m glad there are places like The Scott Mission.”

Please make a gift now to provide meals, help, and hope for people who will be facing even more hunger and hardship this Christmas because of the pandemic. Your prayers and partnership are truly life-changing for our neighbours in need!

*Name changed for privacy