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Daniel knows what it’s like to face homelessness . . .

By May 30th, 2024No Comments

When he first came through the Mission doors, Daniel* had lost his home, successful career, and beloved family to an addiction that nearly consumed him.

The Scott Mission’s caring staff welcomed him warmly and assured him that God would help him overcome and rebuild his life. They also shared that the Mission’s donors give generously to ensure life-changing counseling is available along with life’s basic necessities, which Daniel had not enjoyed for a long time—hot meals, warm clothes, and safe shelter.

Daniel got the help he needed to beat addiction and embrace a fresh start in life. Forever grateful, he says, “I found a true mentor in serious times who opened my mind and was always there for me,” he says.

But of all the changes in his life, Daniel values his renewed faith above all else. He says, “I’m grateful. I believe, and I pray . . . I have God with me. Now I have peace.”

Nowadays, Daniel is able to help others. Giving back often takes the shape of serving as the cook for people in our community who are hungry, hurting, homeless, jobless, and trying to rebuild their lives. With a modest smile, he says, “I cook well and with love.

“The Scott Mission is a safe haven for a lot of people. I owe a lot to the Mission—that’s why whenever I can, I give back,” Daniel says.

Daniel will never forget the day he turned to The Scott Mission and found the life-changing help and hope he needed. But now, as more people are teetering on the brink of homelessness and grappling with hunger—some for the first time in their lives—the Mission needs support from caring friends and donors to continue offering meals, safe refuge, and more to neighbours who have been devastated by the pandemic.

Please give a gift now that could make all the difference for a soul who is trapped in despair and desperate for help and hope during these difficult days!

*Name changed for privacy