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Impacting City Youth: Programs Making a Difference This Summer

By May 30th, 2024No Comments

Your faithful prayers and partnership with Scott Mission have been a lifeline during the last couple of difficult years, ensuring families had the food they needed to thrive. You also helped fund vital outreach—much of it virtual—that fueled the faith and personal growth of children and teens when Scott Mission Camp, after-school, and leadership programs were not fully back because of the pandemic.

But spirits are high among children and teens, and also among our staff and volunteers, as Scott Mission summer programs get the green light! We praise God for the opportunity to host summer and day camps, plus a variety of outings that will have a profound impact for youth whose lives have been filled with uncertainty since COVID-19 began. Our youth ministry outreach includes:

  • • Day camps in Lawrence Heights—adventure and spiritual growth for children and youth
  • • Foundations—a spiritual and leadership program for teens
  • • Day trips to the beach, the Science Centre, Centre Island, Sky Zone, Canada’s Wonderland
  • • Outings and other gatherings for children and teens to learn about biking, cooking, nutrition, finances, job skills, and leadership training

Gabriella, one of Scott Mission’s Youth Staff, knows from experience just how important summer and leadership programs can be in the lives of disadvantaged youth. “I went to Scott Mission Camp for 10 years as a kid and was really impacted by camp staff,” she says. “The pandemic has discouraged and depressed a lot of youth. I’m looking forward to mentoring youth this summer. I want to impact kids in a positive way.”

THANK YOU for making a gift today that will bless Toronto’s young people this summer through opportunities to develop character, grow in their faith, and equip them to make choices that will put them on a better path this summer—and for life!

“The pandemic has discouraged and depressed a lot of youth. I’m looking forward to mentoring youth this summer. I want to impact kids in a positive way.”

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” —Matthew 19:14 NIV