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How Program Changes in 2021 Will Change Lives for Years to Come

By March 21, 2022May 30th, 2024No Comments

For decades, Scott Mission has offered life-saving urgent needs services—shelter, food, and other help to our neighbours in great need. But 2021 saw important expansion and additional services to help people move beyond urgent needs to achieve true life transformation.

Your compassion and generosity helped launch new initiatives that position Scott Mission to make a greater and lasting impact in more lives in the years ahead:

  • Clinical Counselling pilot program
  • Case Management with staff trained in trauma-informed care
  • Spiritual Nurture initiative by staff to provide spiritual support and outreach to clients
  • Facility Renovations, plans are in place for our new building and temporary home during construction.

Thank you, for being part of the forward momentum that will reach the most vulnerable among us with the tools and encouragement that spark life-transformation!